About school

Men communicate

The School of Financial Management is a world-class business education available to everyone. Since 2017, the school has been helping companies and active people, managers and entrepreneurs develop and achieve success in their chosen fields. We offer our clients valuable knowledge and practical experience accumulated by outstanding speakers and teachers. This is confirmed by feedback from our students. You become the best with us!

Our mission:

To promote the formation and development of a new generation of professionals in the financial sector.

Our Values:

  • Teamwork
    The School of Finance team includes more than 20 speakers and assistants, most of whom were also former students of the School
  • Effective communication
    We are always open for our listeners, we respond to their requests in a timely manner and we are constantly improving our events
  • Responsibility towards trainees
    We value not only professional but also personal qualities of our listeners, and we take them into account when creating a cycle of events
  • Commitment to the best
    We always set ambitious goals for ourselves and hope that this approach will also inspire our listeners

Our clients receive:

  • Individual approach to learning
  • Access to the latest educational technologies (both in-house and through partnership programs)
  • Practical skills and knowledge in the most demanded activities of modern society: accounting and taxation, business management, personal finance, startups, real estate, personal effectiveness skills, and much more